Bridal Series – Planning your Destination Wedding

Hawaii is definitely one of the top locations when planning a destinations.  We have pristine beaches, perfect weather, and so many things to see and do.  But a lot of people ask- when is the best time to visit and have a wedding?  Truth be told, anytime in Hawaii is the perfect time to get married.  But as with anything, things can get unpredictable.  Here are a few things to consider when planning a destination wedding in Hawaii.

  • Hurricane season.  This season runs from around June to November, but hurricanes are a rare occurrence here. The last major hurricane was Iniki in 1992.  During this time of the year, we are more likely to get hit with tropical storms and depressions.  However, these storms are still few and far between.
  • Advance notice for certain venues.  Hawaii is such a popular destination, that sometimes you need to figure out a venue as soon as possible and start planning and securing the place.  Some of these locations require a year in advance to book!
  • Rainy season.  There really isn’t a major rainy season in Hawaii, but typically it rains more around November through March.  Even so, certain parts of the island can get more rain than others.  The rain in Hawaii can be so unpredictable, that it can be rainy and dark in the morning, but by noon, the clouds will part and the sun will be shining!
  • Coordinating with vendors.  As with venues, it is important to start researching and find out what vendors you will likely use for your wedding.  Florists and cake designers can all get booked fairly quickly!  I highly recommend looking into a wedding coordinator to help facilitate those needs.

We hope these tips help you when trying to figure out when to plan your destination to Hawaii!  No matter what the weather or situation, rest assured that a wedding in Hawaii will be perfect!

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