
It’s funny how I thought now that I’m home with baby, I’d have time to work on my business more.  Really funny huh?  I forgot how it was like.  This girl keeps me on my toes!  She’s now trying to take steps to walk.  I’m running after her when she crawls, catching her when she falls, holding her when she cries, and catching up on house work when she naps…. a whole 10 minutes.  Then I try to stay up at night after she goes to sleep so I can fit in a little work time.

Time…man it just flew by so quick!  I see pregnant people and felt like I was just enjoying my baby shower.  I see newborns and think how it was just yesterday I could hold her with one arm.   Then I see some moms back to work after having their baby and I think how grateful I am that I get to stay home and watch her grow up.  I’ll never get this time back, so I’m enjoying it.  Cherish your time people!

Anyway while I’m up, I thought I’d share a sneak peak shot at an old friend’s session I did recently.  I haven’t seen her in over 20 years!  Goodness….TIME!  SLOW DOWN!  pretty please?!  haha!

