My 1st home…

My 1st home where I grew up.  I grew up on Kauai and we first lived in old plantation houses.  My dad was a plantation worker so pay wasn’t so great, but he saved money and built us a house (literally, with his hands) in a nice neighborhood.  I don’t remember it much because I was in 6th grade, but on this last trip home he told me it took a long time to build our home because he ran out of money by the time the roof was up. So he had to take a lot of overtime, save up more, and continue when he could.  Dad fished and mom grew vegetables so we didn’t have to spend so much at the store.  Just hearing this made them even more amazing than I knew they were.  Love and appreciate your parents, they do everything for us 😉

All these taken on Kodak Portra 400.  Wish I took more photos around the house…next visit home =)


